Captain's Log #1

Hello all!

This is your captain speaking. I have returned from my vacation in the world of no deadlines, and I'm finally back to work on the Shockwave. To absolutely no one's surprise, it's easier said than done to get started on a huge culminating project for which you are solely responsible. I made some progress over break on my project website and its features, which you can see here. Specifically, I finished the horror host timeline which I'm really proud of. I've been having a lot of fun doing stuff with design and research and I could work on it forever. But in the end, that stuff is not really helpful for my final project and I've probably just been using it as a way to procrastinate. 

I've struggled a lot so far with shifting to the actual production stuff from the research and development phase. The reason for this is simple, it scares me a lot! I don't feel fully confident with my ability to pull everything off in production, and there's a whole lot more to mess up. I've also been feeling like I'm behind on work, which only makes the avoidance worse. I need to just bite the bullet and get into it, getting started is definitely the hardest part. 

Here is my plan for shifting to production mode:

  • Do a lot of Linkedin Learning to feel more confident with skills
  • Test equipment for confidence & for long-term checkout choices
  • Film an initial video for socials to practice skills (using final equipment)
  • Start archival footage collection & organization
  • Select ideal interviewees
  • Make reach out email template for interviewees
  • Continue submission outreach
All of this stuff is a lot harder than sitting on my computer fiddling with website code for hours. And it makes things feel more real, which is scary. But it's also important steps and I think I'll feel better once I get further into it. I'm gonna try to write a brief blog update once a week-ish with what I've been working on. My update this week is, I'm scared, AHHH! But I'm excited too. 

Signing off
